Usually when we make our usual Presidents Day ride to Death Valley, our rides in the Valley are so spirited that we really never get to see too much of the scenery. However, this year there was an absence of testosterone supplements so  a vote was taken and I was asked to lead the first days ride. Actually, no vote was taken and after some begging and yelling me me me me, pick me, they let me lead.

My good friend Sherm had gifted me a signed copy of Roger Naylor's Death Valley that showed so much of what the park had to offer. I told the guys about the coke ovens and off we went.

The first 52 miles of riding was a great little road with pretty smooth pavement, but two miles short of the ovens and it all turned to loose gravel. Four of the group turned around and said they would wait for us at Stovepipe Wells.

Dale and I continued on and arrived at the ovens very dusty, but otherwise no problems.

Dale rides a BMW R1200GS dual sport made just for this sort of riding.

I on the other hand ride a Barco lounger on two wheels made only for the hard surfaced roads. 

The ovens were awesome.
When view from inside you can see light coming through the air vents to aid combustion.

Built in 1877, they remain in pristine condition due to the fact that they were only in operation for two years.

Dale is from Alaska so he was just starting to feel comfortable again.

They used logs cut from the pinyon pines nearby to fire them for a week before shipping the coal to the smelters


Inside, the acoustics are so good that a lot of people like to break out into song.
I refrained

I have no idea

Looking down from the Harmony Borax Works

The twenty mule teams hauling this borax to market made Death Valley famous.

You are allowed to read this

Processing plant for the Borax

It's not all fun and games. Look how far I had to walk to take this picture!

Not these guys though, they are guarding the bikes

Let's see is that aperture set right?  hey you over there, move 2" to the  1" left.

I think we can take em, but I doubt if they have fifty cents between them.

After the Borax excursion, it was time for lunch.

We stopped at the Furnace Creek Oasis

Absolutely beautiful place, good food, don't ask about the price of a hamburger.

I got the impression that didn't want me to take a nap on the couch

Plenty of seating outdoors

Furnace creek resort has been operating since 1927

For mere $$$$$ you could be ordering lunch here too, just like ED!

Dale and Ken ordered first but got their food last.

Mike Ed and I ordered last but got our food first.
We had to pay, Dale and Ken didn't

Across the street is a little wedding venue

Several strolling gardens

For some unknown to me reason, the colors at Artist Pallet didn't seem as vibrant to me this year.

Even so, lots of people out enjoying the day

We decided to leave the park while the getting was good

This Haboob stretch all the way from badwater to Scottys castle
Stay tuned, more coming tomorrow.



  1. Thanks for the photos and narrative. Safe trip home. Sincerely. Meshego1. Mark Olivas


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