Today is going to be the longest day of our trip, and hopefully one of the most exciting! First stop, a picture in Red Lodge, MT

They say the grass is always greener in your neighbors yard, bushes too!

For me this is the traditional start of the Beartooth Hwy when riding it from north to south. For some reason, I kept calling it the Bluetooth today?

Regardless, it remains in my book one of the five most beautiful roads in America!

We weren't the only ones out enjoying it either.

I think Hailey was enjoying the views too!

Maybe next time I'll get here a coat with longer sleeves. Secretly, I think this is her favorite one.

At first glance I thought this was an old Volks Wagen van, but on second glance I had no idea what it is.

By now, I have learned that Hailey likes to climb rocks. Wait until she sees the one I have for her tomorrow!!!

Chipmunks are highly intelligent critters. They are always looking for a free handout too! Hmmm, I'll withhold the political comment that popped into my mind. :)

Love at first sight.

Grandpa, I think he's dead!

Better make sure.

Rock walls will do in a pinch if there aren't any rocks around.

She brought a favorite snack in that bag.

First person I've know that eats lemons like I would an orange.

While she wouldn't share it with me, she didn't hesitate for this guy.

The road we just came up.

I think she's become the chipmunk whisperer.

That big one ran off with the bounty. I guess that's why he's the big one.

The views just never end!

They will soon, we are nearing the end of the BT Hwy.

Just before one starts the decent this immense pasture comes into view and there are almost always Mountain Goats visible if you look really hard and then use your telephoto.

She couldn't resist playing in the snow.

But she did resist writing Hailey + ? and just wrote Hey.

Knowing the lines for food in Yellowstone were going to be very long, we stopped here just outside of the park and had breakfast.

It was very good!

cool place

They were looking for help, but they wanted servers not eaters!

I missed getting a picture of the sign on the way in so stopped on the way out.

Didn't even have to move the bike to take this picture of the entrance to Yellowstone.

This is the typical scenery in Yellowstone.

This is the typical scenery..............made better!

Grandpa wanted some variety in the poses. 

Not sure I'm up for these long hikes

A large variety of wildlife in the park including these Antelope.

Our first Buffalo/Bison sighting.

There is no shortage of bison in the park

I'd guess we saw at least a thousand by the end of the day.

We were lucky to get to see this mama bear and her two cubs.

She was trying to catch some ground squirrels

She didn't succeed while we were there.

I have seen hundreds of petrified trees but Hailey has never seen one.

It turned out to be a first for both of us.

For me it was the first one that I remember that was actually still standing.

This worm was hanging from his own spun silk.

I'm never sure why, but the different species of animals seem to always have their own preferred areas to hang out.

Over the years, I've always seen elk in the Mammoth Hot Springs area.

Just hanging out with a steam vent

The different minerals sure make for colorful ground.

It was about this time that I told Hailey that Yellowstone was the largest volcano in America.

I'm not sure if she absorb that as interesting information or as a discomforting thought.

None the less, she's hanging around for a few more pics.

Just sitting in the rain.

She did happen to mention the volcano thing when we stopped here.

Probably because of that mysteriously boiling water!

She needed a 30 minute ice cream to pass the 37 minutes waiting for Old Faithful

At least you know where to look for the action.

Won't be long now, ice cream is half gone!

All these people drooling at her eating here ice cream and not sharing.

And there she blows!

We were treated to a pretty good eruption.

So as Old Faithful is about to end, Old Unfaithful decides to join her.

She ended up being even more spectacular than Old Faithful!

Leaving the park to the south we came across these falls

A good excuse to stop and play a little and get a few more pics.

The nature of these rocks caught her eye, and mine.

The draw of the water was just too much to resist!

Need to be careful, it's a pretty steep slope

OK, I made it.

Now, how can I get in without getting soaked?

Ahh, this works!

Hmmm, seems harder this direction.

As soon as you leave Yellowstone NP, you enter the Grand Teton's NP. This giant lake is formed by the east side of the Teton's.

Came around a corner and this magnificent view appeared. Too bad I was unable to capture the beauty it showed me live!

I know when you live at the base of these you eventually just take them for granted. However, we're just riding by and they are gorgeous!

Home sweet home for tonight in Riverton, WY. Not bad for $84, but not sure what to use the extra bed for.



  1. A lifetime of fantastic memories for Hailey and to do this trip with her Grandpa is super special.
    Enjoy and ride safe


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